What is or how do you experience “the Journey”?

Jarquevious Nelson
2 min readFeb 14, 2021

I was asked what is the journey and how do I experience it? It’s funny because two weeks prior to being asked, I told myself I wanted to be in an adventurous mindset all the time. I’m living my dream, I’m in Silicon Valley learning how to code, how to grow a tech company and meeting new friends while having fun and creating new joyful and profound memories. I feel good everyday all day. I am in a good mental state and I have the network of relationships I need to have a balance life. Nahid Angha, discussed being a the perfect human. He mentions,

“Salek must purify his intentions for and through his path, just as a gardener prepares the soil for the plants he will grow so that their own leaves contribute to its richness. He must practice must practice correctly in all his efforts while maintaining reverence of self.”

This quote resonates with my journey. I have struggled to be in the moment. Recently, since the pandemic, I have been living the time of my life. I lived on my own and I meditated a lot. Those two things made me be more present. I started noticing things as they were happening and feeling the emotions that came with it. Furthermore, I took the steeps to create those moments not just accepting them as they came. This is a big difference from previous years where I was depressed and angry and frustrated. I would say currently I am at the state of my path where I am practicing purifying my intentions. Recently, I notice previous bad experiences led me to this path. And when things didn’t go as planned, it enriched me because the learning that followed embedded within me an indomitable spirit. And for that I am grateful.




Jarquevious Nelson

Software Developer, Change Maker, and all around cool person.